Month: February 2021

Packaging with cardboard and corrugated cardboard

Packaging with cardboard and corrugated cardboard
The most commonly used packaging materials, derived from paper, are corrugated cardboard and plain cardboard. There are significant differences in their characteristics and it is important that they are well known in order to make the best choice of packaging for a particular application. Cardboard is a thick material with excellent properties that allow folding and modeling at a much better hardness than paper. It can be easily cut and shaped, and its lightness, strength and recyclability make it ideal for many packaging applications. It is most often used for making small boxes, packages, et...
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Formatting paper and cardboard

Formatting paper and cardboard
Most often, paper formatting means cutting the roll paper into sheets. Formatting is performed on special formatting machines. In order to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers, we have at our disposal a formatting technique that allows us to deliver sizes at the customer’s request in optimal time. The necessary quantities of paper and cardboard in the appropriate format and weight can be found in the warehouses of the enterprise. We have our own warehouse and production base with an area of ​​7,851 m2.
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